Friday, September 23, 2011

Eat Your Veggies!

As I am setting up my cart at work today I observe something that I had yet to really ponder.  It is this fact.  The produce and meat department are directly in front of me.  The bakery and deli which serves up such delicacies as corn dogs, pizza and chicken nuggets, are behind me.  The bakery tantalizes the observer with garlic, cheese and cinnamon breads, cakes, pies and cookies as well as your typical, deliciously processed snacks such as Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Ho's!  Which explains why me "back" is so much larger than my "front"......I 'm sorry, I digress.  Have you ever pondered the names of those luscious bites of heaven on your tongue?  They say you are what you eat, but come on, do we really want to be called a "Twinkie or a Ding Dong?  And my hubby just might rearrange your face if I were ever referred to as a "Ho Ho!"

I giggle as I ponder this.  Directly in front of me are the fresh meats along with ripe, juicy tomatoes and a large variety of other fruits and vegetables as well as prepackaged salads and snack packs with baby carrots and celery for dipping.  Directly behind the produce department is the vitamin aisle.  This whole area is dedicated to HEALTH!  It is then that I turn to see what other departments hug the bakery directly behind me.  It was the floral department!  Right there by the exit.  Why would there be flowers right alongside the bakery and the deli I ponder?  I came to this sad conclusion............IT"S BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA DIE SOON IF YOU EAT ALL THAT JUNK!!  Sam Walton was nothing if not a genius of a Marketer!

Wal Mart is a well oiled machine.  I watch daily as the masses march through as mindless ants, filling their carts with a lot of things they really don't need.  And, as ants are, they are on a hunt for sugar!  Hey, I'm not knocking it, I do it all the time!  I am a Wal Mart junkie and shoot, I am the QUEEN ant.

The people of Wal Mart are very curious creatures indeed.  I am unsure as to why this place attracts people similar to those you would find in a  traveling just does.

There was the one lady who was not interested in my dentastix (a snack that dogs chew to clean their teeth), but was rather more interested in explaining, in great detail, her entire Irish lineage dating back to the 1700's.  Or the old fella who stood for at least twenty minutes and talked, without so much as taking a breath about Government conspiracies.  I have no clue what that had to do with yogurt, but it broke up the monotony of the day.

Today, I am pushing (don't freak out, I'm only pushing veggies) a delicious side dish of rice, peas and carrots.  Quite delicious if I may say so myself.  A big nice looking muscular young man approached my cart to snoop out whatever it was that I was dealing.  When he saw the little green and orange of the nice, healthy veggies peeking from a bed of rice, he turned his nose up in disgust and walked on by.  As he passed, I read the back of his t-shirt.  It said, Body

I wanted to scream at him, "Dude!  You need to eat your veggies!"  But I was too late, he was already headed for the chips.

So, the moral of my story is..........EAT YOUR VEGGIES!!  I do not want to be buying any flowers for you anytime soon...........unless it's just because you are so sweet of course.  =)

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