Thursday, September 22, 2011

Attention Wal Mart Shoppers!

Today, I don my white button down shirt, black skirt, black flats with black socks, orange apron, orange ball cap and name tag with my name clearly printed on it in black permanent marker.  I am a simple woman, pleased by the simple things in life.  I am driven, I have a purpose.  What is that purpose you ask?  To wow the general public with hair and skin products, pet supplies and the latest foods and snacks.

The view thru the sneeze guard of my sample cart can be quite interesting and downright hilarious at times as I observe the behaviors and antics of your everyday, normal Americans.  Well, "normal" may be a stretch for some among us, but, you get my drift.

I also have a LOT, yes, a LOT of time to ponder the finer points of life, especially when marketing something that most people couldn't give a flip about, such as cat litter, dental floss or some weird, newfangled energy drink.  During these special moments God and I talk.  In my mind of course, I wouldn't want my fellow employees to think I am as loony as most of the Wal Mart shoppers I encounter on a daily basis.  During our discussions I find myself enlightened as revelations of life and of those who live it right along beside me are revealed.

At times my observations are very sad, sobering, curious, or, at times, downright hilarious.  I will often grab my pen and pad from my handy dandy apron pocket and jot down my thoughts.

The sign above my cart reads, "Bright Ideas."  I hope to share some of those ideas with you in the following blogs.  I pray that they are ideas and concepts that make you laugh until you snort, cry until your nose runs or think until your brain hurts.  Regardless, I want them to impact your life in some way.  This job HAS to be good for SOMETHING, right?

"Attention Wal Mart shoppers, listen to the sample lady!"

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